Jerry Curl celebrates its 4th birthday today

[Editor's note] Four years ago today, I started Jerry Curl. Fast forward to present day and not much as changed. Movies, music, gay issues, politics, and "whatever random stuff I come across" remain hallmarks of the Curl.

A lot has happened in the four years I've been at the helm of this blog. America got its first African American President. It's also suffered through an oil spill, hurricanes, a drought, and wildfires. Sadly, the shuttle program ended after 30 years of space exploration. The Oprah Winfrey Show ended after 25 years of self-exploration. In sad news: Benizar Bhutto was assassinated. Icons Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and Elizabeth Taylor passed away; as did my dear Elizabeth Edwards and three (1-2-3) of my Golden Girls.

In LGBT rights news, gay folks in Connecticut, Maine, Washington DC, and New York were allowed to marry. Then Maine lost it. California came close, but then Prop 8 was upheld, and then was ruled unconstitutional. Dustin Lance Black wrote a play about it. North Carolina is the next battleground (fingers crossed). More recently, the stain of DADT was finally removed from the military rule book. The Matthew Shepard hate-crimes bill was written into the law book. And Lady Gaga will soon release a book. Unfortunately though, even Mother Monster can't stop bullying and gay teen suicides continue at an alarming rate.

Let's hope It Gets Better soon.

On the celebrity front, Adam Lambert, Professor Dumbledore, Ricky Martin, Don Lemon, and the Blue Power Ranger all came out of the closet. Chasity became Chaz, wrote a book, made a documentary, and is currently breaking barriers on TV. The world was also gifted with Glee, Modern Family, and the triumphant return of RuPaul.

More personally typing, Jerry Curl has chronicled my obsession with American Idol and award shows of every sort. My love for Joe Jonas has also made it to these pages once or thrice. (His "Single Ladies" was my favorite!) I’ve had a brief brush with fame. I got Tweeted by Chaz. Then by Cher!! I’ve struggled with math. I broke away from Facebook, wrote a lyrical autobigraphy, and yelled at an Ad agency. I visited Chicago, Denver, and Vegas. I’ve seen a few concerts. I've reviewed a few films. Sometimes it’s chipper around here (867 Pick Me Ups of the Day so far and counting). Sometimes it's not so chipper. Other times, it's really not chipper.

In truth, I started this blog because I was tired talking to people who didn't know much about what was happening in the world. I figured if I can put together the events of the day in one place, more people would be in the know. I'm proud to say that 152,000+ page views later, I'm accomplishing just that.

Jobs and boyfriends have come and gone. So have hairstyles and my thin waist line. But the Curl has remained a constant source of comfort and pride. I've just realized today is also Google's birthday. I suppose all the greats are born on the same day.

It has been one of the great privileges of my life to keep a blog like this growing and I am nothing if not grateful for your readership.


lily said…
jerry i love you, and im proud of you. your second mother. you better know who it is. xoxoxo

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