RIP Elizabeth Edwards

Today reports: Elizabeth Edwards, a best-selling author and the driving force behind her husband John Edwards' political career before it was destroyed by his infidelity, has died of cancer. She was 61.

Gravely ill with cancer that no longer responded to treatment, Elizabeth Edwards was reportedly not in any pain and was surrounded at home in North Carolina by family and friends, including her estranged husband, a former Democratic presidential candidate.

Her death came at 10:15 Tuesday morning, according to a family friend. The scene was described as "very peaceful."

The friend said, "Elizabeth did not want people to say she lost her battle with cancer. The battle was about living a good life and that she won."

Family friends provided NBC News with this statement from the Edwards family:
"Elizabeth Anania Edwards, mother, author, advocate, died today at her home in Chapel Hill, surrounded by her family. Today we have lost the comfort of Elizabeth's presence but she remains the heart of this family. We love her and will never know anyone more inspiring or full of life. On behalf of Elizabeth we want to express our gratitude to the thousands of kindred spirits who moved and inspired her along the way. Your support and prayers touched our entire family. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Wade Edwards Foundation which benefits the Wade Edwards Learning Lab."
--> [Editor's note] I'm as devastated by this news as anyone can be over someone they've never met. Long time Curl readers know what a big fan I was am of Mrs. Edwards. I've enjoyed her books and talks, and have long admired her spirit of perseverance. She was strong and smart, but kind and sympathetic. Looking at her, listening to her, provided a comfort I can't fully express.

Today, the following passage from her book, Resilience, seems especially poignant: "In every way I might have expected of myself, I have been true to that sense of what was true and right and clean. Maybe others had a better time, more intimacies, more skin pressed against skin, but this life is mine..."

Plainly put, Elizabeth Edwards impressed me. She was a lady in every sense of the word and the world will miss her dearly.


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