Idol Post: # Whatever

The major headline from last night's snooze fest Idol finale is that Lee DeWyze won the top prize. That, in turn means that Crystal Bowersox now joins the ranks of better-than-the-winner runners up. Think: Archuleta, Lambert. And thank goodness too, because I can't picture Crystal peddling Ford Fiesta's next year. She's got a bright future.

Results aside, last night's finale was epically geriatric. With the exception of Bret Michaels' surprise appearance (pic above) and Janet Jackson's killer performance (vid below), the rest of the guest artists left a lot to be desired. A slowed Alice Cooper opened the show with "School's Out"; Michael McDonald croaked his way through a song with contestant Michael Lynch; and Joe Cocker (or rather, what's left of Joe Cocker) sang "With a Little Help From My Friends." Adding to the senior citizen line-up were Chicago, 2/3's of the Bee Gees, and Hall & Oats.

Enter Carrie Underwood and Christina Aguilera.

Being the only two young, contemporary artists on the bill, their performances couldn't have been more different. Carrie's new single, "Undo It" was presented in typical powerhouse style. She looked beautiful, sounded crisp, and exuded Divadom. More to the point, it was a catchy song. Christina on the other hand, resoundingly bombed with her single, "You Lost Me." Still smarting from Gaga copycat criticism, I can see where a dance number wouldn't have worked. But neither did a somber ballad. Sad to say but you lost me too, Christina.

Last night also marked Simon Cowell's last as a judge. Admittedly, seeing past and present Idol alums on stage brought some tears to my eyes. Seeing a radient Kelly Clarkson hold court over them all was especially nice. Then again, cheesy things like that are why I watch the show to begin with. And although Paula Abdul should've had something prepared in writing instead of just rambling on, that too I enjoyed. It goes without saying that his departure marks the end of the show as we know it.

Overall, the show was heavy on the heart strings but brutal on the ear drums. Suffice it to say, this year's finale was NOTHING like last years. Hopefully someone beats up Seacrest next year. Dare to dream...

For your viewing pleasure Mrs. Jackson:


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