NBC orders second season of Smash

EW reports: NBC is doubling down on Smash. The network just renewed the musical drama for a second season, but when it returns it will be under new leadership.

Deadline reports that current showrunner Theresa Rebeck, who also created the series, will step away from her day-to-day duties with the show after this season. She will continue to hold her position as an executive producer.

The ratings for Smash have been a bit modest lately, but overall have managed to boost the network’s Monday night time slot at 10 p.m. The show, which goes behind-the-scenes of a Broadway musical about Marilyn Monroe, has averaged 7.7 million viewers and a 2.6 adult demo rating.

--> Admittedly, I haven't been keeping up with this show. I watched the first episode and was bored for most of the run so I didn't go back. I have it on good authority that it's gotten better though so I'm happy Broadway is seeing its way to people's living rooms in some way.


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