Happy birthday Celine Dion!

"The greatest singer... in the world" is 44 today. In recent news, she's announced a return to the stage at Caesars Palace after being forced to cancel several shows at the end of February when she contracted a virus that caused an inflammation of her vocal cords.

Dion, who was originally instructed by doctors to rest for eight weeks, was given good news during a follow-up examination at the UCLA Medical Clinic and her voice should be back to 100% within four weeks time.

According to a press release from her rep, Dion is scheduled to start working with a vocal coach in two weeks and will begin recording songs for her new English and French albums sometime in mid-April.

As for her Vegas gig, the songstress plans to resume performances on June 9.

"During this recovery period, so many fans, many of whom were inconvenienced by the cancelled shows, have posted kind words of encouragement on my website," Dion said in a statement. "I'm so grateful for their thoughts and their support...more than they'll ever know."

(Via E! Online)


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