Aerosmith to release first album in 8 years

The AP reports: Aerosmith has reunited with Jack Douglas, who produced the band's key 1970s albums, to record a new studio album.

Steven Tyler said Aerosmith was finishing two final songs for the as-yet-untitled album, its first since 2004's Honkin' on Bobo, and that he expected it to be released in about three months.

Joined yesterday by Joe Perry, Tom Hamilton and Joey Kramer at a Los Angeles mall, Tyler revealed three track titles: "Legendary Child," "Beautiful" and "Out Go the Lights." Earlier in the week, the band announced that its 18-stop US "Global Warming Tour" begins June 16 in Minneapolis.

"We will not let you down," Tyler told reporters and cheering fans.

Tyler said he reached out to Douglas – who produced 1974's Get Your Wings, 1975's Toys in the Attic and other seminal albums from the multiplatinum Boston band – and the other group members joined him in Los Angeles. The group's 15th studio album will feature tunes built around guitar riffs from tour jam sessions and some previously shelved songs.

"We have a lot of songs that are very dear to us that we've written over the years," Tom Hamilton said. "And we can feel it when it's the perfect time to whip them out. And we're having that kind of experience now."


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