Maryland legislators pass gay marriage bill

Photo caption: Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, center, greets supporters and members of the House of Delegates after the House passed a gay marriage bill in Annapolis, Md.

Gay marriage is all but legal in Maryland after the Legislature gave its final OK yesterday to the law that's being sent to Gov. Martin O'Malley, who said he expects to sign it this week.

The state Senate voted 25-22 for the law. The vote comes less than a week after the House of Delegates barely passed the measure.

Maryland will become the eighth state to allow gay marriage when O'Malley - who sponsored the bill - signs the legislation. The Democrat made the measure a priority this session after it stalled last year.

"This issue has taken a lot of energy, as well it should, and I'm very proud of the House of Delegates and also the Senate for resolving this issue on the side of human dignity, and I look forward to signing the bill," O'Malley said in a brief interview after the Senate vote.

More at the San Francisco Chronicle.


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