Angelina Jolie's Oscar leg pose gets mocked and memed

Towleroad reports: Another takeaway from last night's Oscar's was Angelina Jolie's bizarre presenter pose on stage, when she thrust a bare leg out of her dress, placed an arm on her hip, and laughed uncomfortably.

Said Rash later: "I had just seen her pose and thought it was bold and fun. And you know what? We have exactly the same legs! Really, it was a loving tribute and nothing but."
Jolie's leg now has its own Twitter and folks are now trying to make legbombing a meme.
The ever-poignant Michael K writes:
Bitch stuck her right leg out like her pussy was on fire. Bitch stuck her right leg out like she was getting into the birthin' stance just in case a newborn needed to fall out. Or just in case an orphan stowed away in her UNICEF crotch during one of her trips to the third world and needed to come out. It was that kind of stance.Watch the pose below: