Tim Tebow urged to support "It Gets Better"

More than 7,000 people have signed an online petition urging Tim Tebow, the Denver Broncos quarterback who has starred in PSAs for Focus on the Family, to join the “It Gets Better” project on LGBT youth.

"The campaign is reaching people and changing lives," Andy Szekeres, a political fundraiser in Denver who launched the petition, told USA Today. "It would really be an amazing thing for Tebow and the Broncos to do to really say 'We may have differences on abortion and gay marriage, but stopping kids from killing themselves is an issue we can all get behind.'"

Read the USA Today story here.

In related news: Jesus visited Tim Tebow and gave him some advice-- "If we're going to keep doing this, you guys gotta meet me halfway out there. Let's face it: It's not a good week if every week, I have to come in, drop everything, and bail out the Denver Broncos in the fourth quarter. I'm a busy guy."


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