Taylor Lautner 'out and proud' People cover a fake

An obviously faked People magazine cover on which Taylor Lautner supposedly announced that he's "out and proud" ricocheted across the internet Monday, tricking fans and even celebs like Russell Simmons.

The Photoshopped image of the purported Jan. 7, 2012 People issue shows the Twilight star announcing he's gay and "tired of the rumors."

The fake cover goes on to fake-quote Lautner as saying his decision to come out has left him feeling "more liberated, and happier than I've ever been."

While the internet was abuzz, celebs like Def Jam's Simmons even fell prey to the hoax, tweeting Taylor a congratulatory tweet: "proud of Taylor Lautner for his bravery and his courage." Once realizing the mistake, Simmons tweeted: "disappointed that people would joke about someone coming out about their sexuality. Let Taylor Lautner be whoever he wants to be...."

A rep for People magazine confirmed the cover a hoax, saying the cover is "absolutely fake."



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