Actors to McDonald's: Stop torturing hens for McMuffins

The Marquee Blog reports: Ryan Gosling is coming to the aid of egg-laying hens. According to, the actor is petitioning McDonald's on behalf of the animals that help make the chain's breakfast sandwiches.

The Drive star has joined celebs like Zooey Deschanel, Bryan Adams and Alicia Silverstone in the campaign to convince McDonald's to stop using “battery cage” hens to obtain their eggs and other products.

Ryan and his fellow animal-loving actors have partnered with Mercy For Animals to write McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner about the issue.

According to the Washington Post, the fast food chain recently cut ties with a supplier that was found to display cruelty against chickens (thanks to a video released by MFA), but Gosling wants Mickey D’s to do more.

The petition urges McDonald’s to “stop torturing hens for McMuffins" and asks for comprehensive changes across the board, including switching to a cage-free system it says are better for birds.

At the time of this post, the petition had 32,721 supporters.

McDonald's says in a statement to the Post that the company is currently purchasing a million eggs per month of "traditional, cage-free and enriched laying hen housing systems" as part of a three-year study comparing the various systems on a commercial scale.


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