Habanastation to premiere in Miami

Translated from El Nuevo Herald: Ian Padrón, the director of the Cuban-produced film Habanastation has announced that it will be screened in Miami tonight.

Since it's premiere in Cuba earlier this month, the film has become a national sensation with over 310,000 viewers so far this summer. Stateside, Habanastation won in the Best Fiction Film category at the Traverse City festival in Michigan. The festival is organized by famed documentarian Michael Moore.

em>Habanastation tells the story of 2 boys who attend the same school but come from different families and socio-economic environments. It's title combines the capitol city of Cuba with the latter part of the Play Station game counsel.The film stars Andy Fornaris and Ernesto Escalona as the boys, along with Blanca Rosa Blanco, Luis Alberto García, Miriam Socarrás and y Raúl Pomares.

Padrón said at a press conference that the success of the film stems from the "Cuban people's need to discuss their reality." He explains that "there are social differences in the country that must to be considered, as that will be the only way to find ways to overcome them."

Padrón went on to say that he is very happy that the film as been embraced and talked about in all corners of society.

An article published in Juventud Rebelde considered Padrón's film to be a "cultural product cabale of communicating something meaningful" to anyone because it "excites, educates, and exalts ethical values." The paper went on to write that above all, the film "entertains in search for identification."

Simply put, Habanastation mixes adventure, comedy, and melodrama to tell a story worth telling.


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