Florida doesn't want gay marriage, but welcomes gay honeymoon money

The Miami New Times reports: Florida has constitutionally banned its gay wedding cake and is trying to eat it, too.

While gay couples began exercising their right to marry in New York this weekend, Florida tourism boards are trying to make sure our state gets its share of the financial boon New York is likely to see as a result of gay marriage by trying to attract honeymooners.

The question then becomes, will gay couples really want to celebrate their marriage in a state that doesn't recognize it?

Steve Rothaus reports that both the Miami and Broward convention and visitors bureaus have begun advertising campaigns aimed at newly married gay couples to try and convince them that the shores of South Florida are a perfect place for their honeymoon, and their money. And New York is sure to see a lot of economic activity thanks to gay marriage.

"Officially, a report from the Independent Economic Conference projected that same-sex unions would generate about $284 million in additional wedding revenue and tourism and put another $27 million in taxes and license fees into the [New York] state's coffers over the next three years," reports The Daily Beast.

However the site emphasizes that those numbers may be conservative, and the actual financial impact could be closer to $1 billion a year.

Florida is no stranger to tourism and extension destination weddings and honeymoons. Those extra gay wedding dollars sure would be nice in these financially murky times. Problem is, back in 2008, state voters passed an amendment banning not only gay marriage but civil unions as well.

Attracting gay honeymoons seems like the only way Florida can get in on that money, but it does seem icky to suggest gay couples should celebrate in a state that has enshrined hate in its constitution.


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