Obama speaks at LGBT Pride Reception at the White House

As reported earlier in the day yesterday, President Obama held an LGBT Pride reception at the White House.

Below is the video of his remarks:

In related news: Dan Savage wore a microscopic pin no bigger than a nickel to the White House’s Pride celebration, to protest the president’s slowly “evolving” attitudes on marriage equality.

Savage said, “[The President] says he’s evolving, I believe him. I want to hurry him along. We can scream and yell and be dicks and wear buttons (and still eat Obama’s cupcakes and drink his champagne). We need to keep the pressure on and take ‘yes’ for an answer. I’m not one of the gay activists furious at the president because he’s not out on the furthest limb.”

PS. AmericaBlog is selling “Evolve Already” t-shirts.

(Via Queerty)


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