New blog alert: My First Gay Crush

From the wonderful people who brought us the Born this Way blog, comes this gem:

My First Gay Crush: You were a young, impressionable gay kid... You most likely loved watching TV, listening to music, or seeing movies... You had a secret, and your heart fluttered like crazy over your first gay crush!

The Advocate editors relate their big crushes here.

[Editor's note] As far as I'm concerned, there was no bigger heart-throb during my childhood that Jason, the Red Power Ranger. I remember liking him so much that I wanted to be related to him. That way he could sleep over... My parents got me a ring once and when they asked what color stone I'd like, I picked a red one so I could pretend we were together. No judgements, kids. Him and those cut-off shirts he wore stirred feelings in me I didn't even know I had or could name.

UPDATE: Yours truely was featured on My First Gay Crush! Thanks Paul V


BTWB said…
Thanks for all the love, Jerry! xo
Paul V. -
Born This Way Blog
My First Gay Crush Blog

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