Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Marion Cotillard will be in new Batman film

ArtsBeat reports: The cast of The Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Nolan’s third and final entry in his series of Batman movies, is looking increasingly like the cast of his 2010 summer blockbuster Inception.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard have now officially signed on board for that superhero film.

Warner Brothers Pictures said yesterday that Mr. Gordon-Levitt will play John Blake, a Gotham City beat cop. Ms. Cotillard has been cast as Miranda Tate, a board member at Wayne Enterprises who is allied with Bruce Wayne. Tom Hardy, another member of the Inception gang, was previously announced to play the villain Bane, and Michael Caine, who had a brief role in that film has played the butler Alfred in all of Mr. Nolan’s Bat-films.

In a statement, Mr. Nolan said: “When you collaborate with people as talented as Marion and Joe, it comes as no surprise that you would want to repeat the experience. I immediately thought of them for the roles of Miranda and Blake, and I am looking forward to working with both of them again.”

The Dark Knight Rises, which will also star Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne and the gravel-voiced Batman and Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle, is scheduled for release on July 20, 2012.


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