Doctors warn about teens and 'Facebook depression'

The AP reports: Add "Facebook depression" to potential harms linked with social media, an influential doctors' group warns, referring to a condition it says may affect troubled teens who obsess over the online site.

Researchers disagree on whether it's simply an extension of depression some kids feel in other circumstances, or a distinct condition linked with using the online site. But there are unique aspects of Facebook that can make it a particularly tough social landscape to navigate for kids already dealing with poor self-esteem, said Dr. Gwenn O'Keeffe, a Boston-area pediatrician and lead author of new American Academy of Pediatrics social media guidelines.

With in-your-face friends' tallies, status updates and photos of happy-looking people having great times, Facebook pages can make some kids feel even worse if they think they don't measure up. It can be more painful than sitting alone in a crowded school cafeteria or other real-life encounters that can make kids feel down, O'Keeffe said, because Facebook provides a skewed view of what's really going on.

Online, there's no way to see facial expressions or read body language that provide context. The guidelines urge pediatricians to encourage parents to talk with their kids about online use and to be aware of Facebook depression, cyberbullying, sexting and other online risks. They were published online today in Pediatrics.

--> Although this particular study focused on teenagers, I think the same logic applies to older people, too. Facebook as become so pervasive that it has become the moral measuring stick for happiness and fulfillment. A sad commentary to be sure, but one that is nonetheless true.

More on the teen study here.


Betty said…
I believe that the potential harm that a teen can get from facebook is addiction and online bullying. And if a teen encounter either of the two then they have a high tendency to undergo depression. But before things get any worse parents should do their part to moderate their teens from using the net.

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