Three accused Goonies indicted in brutal Bronx gay bashing

The NY Daily News reports: A grand jury indicted three accused gang members yesterday for their alleged roles in a vicious gay-bashing attack in the Bronx.

Elmer Cofresi, 23, Nelson Falu (right),17, and Ruddy Vargas (right), 22, are charged with multiple hate crimes in the anti-gay gang assault this month.

Seven alleged members of a homophobic gang known as the Latin Kings Goonies have been charged in the brutal robbery and assault, during which two men were sodomized with wooden objects.

Four teens originally charged in the case were released following an investigation by the Bronx district attorney's office.

"It's good to know they'll have to answer for what they did," said a cousin of one of the victims. "I hope they go away for a long time."

The defendants are due back in court Nov.23.


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