'Hell of a year' for hurricanes, experts warn

Reuters reports: The threat of an above-average 2010 Atlantic hurricane season has increased over the last month and it now promises to be "very active," two leading forecasters said Wednesday. The warning comes as the season also sees an unusual factor added to the mix: the Gulf oil disaster.

William Gray and Phil Klozbach, who head the respected Colorado State University hurricane forecast team, said they would ramp up their prediction for the 2010 season in a report due out on June 2.

"The numbers are going to go up quite high," Gray said. "This looks like a hell of a year."

On Tuesday, a private weather forecasting company said the 2010 season could be the most active since 2005, which was the most active in recorded history.

Weather Services International predicted 18 named storms, 10 hurricanes and five intense hurricanes, rated as Category 3 storm with winds of 110-130 mph, or greater.

That is well above the 1950-2009 averages of 10 named storms, six hurricanes, and three intense hurricanes and slightly above the averages from the more active recent 15-year period of 14 named storm, eight hurricanes and four intense hurricanes.

These numbers are also an increase from WSI's April forecast of 16 named storms, nine hurricanes and five intense hurricanes.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will release its updated 2010 hurricane season forecast on Thursday.


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