Apple iTunes witnesses 10 nillionth song sale

Apple's popular iTunes software hit a milestone couple of hours ago: the sale of its 10 billionth song.

At a special song download countdown page, Apple flaunts iTunes 10 billionth song download sale with a list of most downloaded songs. Co-incidentally, it also happens to be Apple CEO Steve Jobs' 55 birthday. One lucky person who downloaded the 10 billion song got $10,000 worth iTunes gift card.

Apple launched iTunes nine years ago and changed the way people listen to music with iPod product family. Out of the thousands of songs offered till date, the most downloaded track was from band Black Eyed Peas track "I Got Feeling". Then followed recent sensation Lady Gaga song "Poker face".

Last year, Apple had reduced the pricing for iTunes with the launch of the third generation iPod Touch. The Apple App Store celebrated its 1 billionth app download in April 2009.
(Via TechTree)


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