
- Barbra Streisand performs at the Vanguard.

- Madonna equals Elvis Presley's record of 11 UK #1 solo albums with Celebration.

- Coming out in middle school: “I definitely lost some friends,” said Austin, a 13-year-old from Sand Springs, Okla., “but no one really made fun of me or called me names, probably because I was one of the most popular kids when I came out. I don’t think I would have come out if I wasn’t popular.

“When I first realized I was gay,” Austin interjected, “I just assumed I would hide it and be miserable for the rest of my life. But then I said, ‘O.K., wait, I don’t want to hide this and be miserable my whole life." I asked him how old he was when he made that decision. “Eleven,” he said.


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