Roman Polanski lawyers will fight extradition

ABC News reports: A French attorney for detained director Roman Polanski said today that he would fight extradition to the United States on a 32-year-old statutory rape charge.

"He wants to struggle and I think it will be possible for us to maintain his freedom," lawyer Herve Temime told "Good Morning America" today, adding that Polanski and his lawyers were shocked that the Oscar winner was arrested after walking into a trap at the Zurich, Switzerland, airport.

Polanski, 76, has been avoiding the United States and countries working with the United States since 1978 when he pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl.

Polanski served 43 days in a California jail, where he underwent psychological evaluation. He then fled to Europe before being sentenced to avoid what would likely have been a lengthy prison term.

Then a powerhouse Hollywood director, Polanski continued a fruitful career in Europe and had been known to visit Switzerland frequently, even reportedly owning a chalet there.


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