Nationwide gay kiss-ins planned

Towleroad reports: A mass gay kiss-in is planned for August 15 in cities around the nation in response to the treatment of a couple who were arrested for kissing on a plaza near Salt Lake City's Mormon Temple:

"A pair of bloggers, David Badash, of New York, and David Mailloux, of Boston, are behind the plans. They say the events are not a protest against those who oppose gay rights. But they say people should be allowed to freely express their affection."

So far events are planned in Atlanta, Boston, Houston, Irvine, Little Rock, New York City, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco San Jose, Seattle with events in Austin, Chicago, Dallas Denver, Erie, Fort Worth, Fresno, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Richmond, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, Spokane in the works.

Visit the group's Facebook page here for more information.


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