Levi Johnston poses shirtless with baby in GQ

We swore a blood oath to not cover any Sarah Palin-related stories after her defeat in November. We just wanted her to fade away like a bad hangover. But this was too good to pass up:

Levi Johnston says his relations are improving with Bristol Palin, daughter of former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The 19-year-old Johnston tells GQ magazine that the Palins aren't "lying when they say that things are better." Johnston fathered a child with Bristol, the 18-year-old daughter of Alaska governor. But since the couple broke off their engagement, he has complained in national interviews that the Palins were limiting his access to his son Tripp, born Dec. 27. Johnston also claims in the GQ article that Sarah Palin's husband, Todd Palin, offered to buy Bristol a new car if she broke off the relationship.

(Via MSNBC & GQ)


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