Paula Abdul is as good as gone from ‘Idol’

Paula Abdul has spent the better part of the week telling anyone who would listen that she’s dissatisfied with the producers of “American Idol” and the she’s upset with Simon Cowell (“he’s like a family member you can’t get rid of”).

Seems a little strange to air so much dirty laundry just weeks before the new season of “Idol” premieres, but as it turns out, Abdul might not have much reason to care about awkwardness. That’s because she’s seriously considering not going back to “Idol” at all.

An “Idol” source says that the scenario — one that includes Abdul leaving as early as the pretaped auditions — is one they’re preparing for. “Obviously we have three other judges who can carry the show, and if she leaves before the live shows, the auditions can be edited so that she’s hardly noticed.”

--> HARDLY NOTICED!? Paula is the only reason I watch that show. I admire anyone who can put up with Randy Jackson, even if it takes a few spiked Coca-Colas to do it. If she leaves, I'm throwing in the towel on Idol.



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