Miami-Dade schools face another big cut

Its finances already strained in a difficult year, the Miami-Dade school system will need to cut as much as $122 million more from its budget, district officials said Monday.

The latest round of cuts stems from problems within the district's $5.5 billion budget, which was put together under former Superintendent Rudy Crew and submitted to the state Department of Education in September, records show. In addition, new Superintendent Alberto Carvalho has said he would like to establish a reserve to cover anticipated cuts from Tallahassee.
Carvalho will officially break the news to the School Board on Thursday, along with his recommendations for making up the money.

According to the meeting agenda, his ideas will include:
• Downsizing and reorganizing the central office, which would save $22.4 million.
• Transferring teachers on special assignment back into the classroom.
• Eliminating all nonessential overtime.
• Reducing the budgets for hourly and temporary employees.
• Trimming $16 million from spending at the schools themselves.


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