Die-hard Gators could get campus urns

For years, University of Florida alumni have insisted that the path to heaven runs through Gainesville. Well, they may soon have a point.
The university wants to build a columbarium to bury the ashes of loved ones right on campus, in a serene spot next to Lake Alice, where alligators roam freely.

UF would be the first university in the state to do it, and one of only a handful around the country.

But the school isn't doing it for the money. It would charge just enough for upkeep, said UF Vice President Paul Robell, one of the people overseeing the project.

The school is doing it for the soul. Gator spirit, to be precise.

''I understand that when you first hear about it, it might sound strange, but when you really think about what's important to you and the happiest times in your life and the passions you hold of where you went to school, it does make sense,'' said Katie Marquis, director of membership and marketing for the UF Alumni Association. ``People just live and die and breathe the Gator Nation.''

(Via Miami Herald)


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