Gator grovel: Tasered student apologizes

Six weeks after he was Tased by police for disrupting a political forum, University of Florida student Andrew (``Don't Tase Me, Bro!'')` Meyer is to deliver a shocker of his own:
He's sorry. And he's taking some time off from school.

According to The Sun, which talked to Meyer's lawyer, the student, who is from Weston, has written letters to UF President Bernie Machen, the UF police and ``the UF community and the Gator Nation the world over.''

Meyer, who apparently will withdraw from school until January, confesses to stepping ''out of line'' while loudly disrupting a Sept. 17 forum with U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. As he resisted police efforts to escort him from the University Auditorium, he yelped, ''Don't Tase me, bro!'' but was nonetheless zapped by a Taser device.

The Tasering of Meyer, 21, was captured on video and has been replayed on news shows and Internet sites around the world. It inspired the creation of T-shirts and other Taser-related paraphernalia.


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