Hairspray DVD cover

--> This is just plain awful. Awful doesn't even cut it! This is a trainwreck. What happened to the cool art they had for the movie posters? The different-colored light bulbs? I wanted something cool, and purple, and pretty. Tracy isn't even on the front cover, for crying out loud! And this is the two-disc Shake & Shimmy Edition. I can hardly fathom what the regular edition will look like.

It's out November 20th.


CAF & SAF said…
never saw this movie.. only the original film. when i was very young. but yeah, im pretty sure tracy's mom wasnt the main character in what i saw lol.

but when i look at the posters for this movie. they promote travolta the most.

weird... but yeah. ask alex or me for a custom it'd be fairly easy..

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